Ok, so remember this post, about the Miley Cyrus sex doll?
It has 7 reviews, with four five star ratings, and three one star ratings.
Here are those promised Amazon reviews:
1. The Last Schlong? Uhm. What?
"189 of 205 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The Last Schlong, April 4, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
I recently purchased a Finally Mylie! Love Doll at my local sex store and I have to say I am extremely disappointed. I opened the box waiting for my own Mylie (or MYlie, as I always say, or just started to say right now) and all I got was a flat lady made of plastic!! Don't Buy!
EDIT: lol oh didn't know I had to inflate it! Thanks mom!
EDIT: Awww man. I got tired of blowing it up, so I hooked it up to one of those machines that my creepy uncle uses to inflate his matress in the basement and it got too inflated! Mylie looks like Kirstie Alley! (Note To Self: Patent Kirstie Alley sex blimp)
EDIT: I had to poke a fourth hole in Finally Mylie to let out some air. Oh well, now she's just like my ex. This isn't too bad, I mean if you like to have sex with a semi-inflated trash bag as you balance on one arm while you pray that it doesn't pop, and if it pops that no one hears it. The last thing I need is for my parents to find me lying naked on top of a flattened Miley Cyrus . . .again. "
"34 of 42 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars buy doll, VERY IMPRESS, April 6, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
Miley Cyrus in China are very popular. In China, sex is too stubborn woman. Miley Cyrus is that it can be my lover. I recently, Miley Cyrus is a sex toy to buy. I feel happy to get the appropriate value of the first very open and has popped about 3 hours in. So I bought 10 or more. Very enjoyable weekend. "
3. I'm disappointed with your lack of capitalization.
"7 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars don't waste your money on this, April 7, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
they really do trick you with the box packaging with a smoking hot replica model of miley. that's not what you'll get. to think they charge this much for a piece of trash is really lame. i was actually looking forward to getting this, what a disappointment. it would be funny if it was like five or ten dollars, then it would be a good gag joke product to have around but it cost way more than that. do not buy. doesn't even include a pump. as soon as i got the box, i didn't even open it because it felt like nothing was even inside. i don't know what the product even looks like but i could tell it's a massive failure. don't bother wasting your time or money on this!"
4. Thank God for age laws!
"5.0 out of 5 stars Exceptional!, April 20, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
I've been waiting years for Mylie to finally become legal, and thank god for this doll, I got my wish. I counted down the days, the minutes, the seconds, wow! Thank u Pipedream! "
"1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS HUNK, April 12, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
6. I kind of want to high five this guy."2 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars um.... WINNING, April 10, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
I bought three, one to cook, one to clean and one for sensual massage. the food's not bad. and my whites have never been whiter. but mylie 3 has a little too much grip. she's okay with feet though. i just wish i could get one of these plastic chicks to drink something so i can slip her a ruffie. "
7. trust me imo.
"1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars waste of money, April 9, 2011
This review is from: Finally Mylie! Love Doll (Health and Beauty)
Dont buy this, its a waste of your money. when i bought it i was expecting the doll to look like whats on the box. but its not . they just use a look a like to seel this product. no resemblence whatso ever. its just a regular sex doll . no resemblence to her wat so ever. waste of my 50 bucks. it would be better if it was 5 bucks as a gag gift. but imo this product is a 1 star . waste of ur money. trust me imo "
Seriously, these reviews make my day.
I could read the VERY IMPRESS one over and over, and not get tired of it.
Which one is your favorite?