Monday, September 19, 2011

Hey, Let Me Slap You In The Boobs, They'll Get Bigger

One of the only techniques I've really heard of for improving breast shape/size involves groping yourself to stimulate breast growth.

But beautician Khemmikka Na Songkhla in Bangkok has a different strategy.

She will, for a fee, slap you in the breasts, buttocks, or face, to tone your face and butt, and increase cup size. This is government approved, by the way.

Picture from

She also says that she will refuse to help woman whose breasts are "too small to be enlarged".

If you click here, you can watch a video of the beautician in action, slapping a variety of Asian woman, sometimes in time to dance music.

Also, this is an "ancient art", but it hasn't been practiced much because "back then people didn't care about breast size." Fairly certain that is false.
Also, she is taking on students because she is currently the only one in the world with this knowledge, and she wants to pass this ancient art of slapping on to new generations, for a lot of money.


But, I can tell you that I will slap you in the face/butt/breasts for much less then she will.
I haven't studied the ancient art of slapping for very long, but I have faith that I can catch on pretty fast.



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